Tomorrow will begin the Pre Mercury Retrograde Shadow period for most, though I understand some folks have already begun the tumble.

Here’s your Need-To-Know guide for surviving and thriving.

The Pre Shadow period will intensify starting on Jan 1 and Mercury will station direct in 1 degree Aquarius on the 5th. The Retrograde will intensify here through the 8th and then continue on its more usual unusual vibe through the 20th. The weirdness will ramp up again the 21st through the 24th, and the 25th is another direct station wave of vigorous Retro energy at 14 Capricorn. The 26th-29th expect a continued Retrograde vibe, and then we cruise into Post Shadow phase through the 14th of February.

I’m usually not in the doom-and-gloom Merc Retro camp, but the chart for this one is a toughie  starting out with Mercury square Mars and a Lilith square Sun/Pluto square Uranus forming a T Square, as well as a Neptune square Venus. There is a volatility in the air. Keep your loved ones close, especially children.

Save important discussions for way, way later. Everyone is irritable and the energy is explosive. Personal relationships will be severely strained. What’s going to go right, what can you use this time for?  Do a media fast, do some reading and meditating. Stay away from the reach of the coming shiite storm. “….there is a light somewhere./it may not be much light but/it beats the darkness./be on the watch.”*

We’ll talk soon.

*The Laughing Heart, Charles Bukowski


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